Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Won 2 trophies in the last 2 tournaments!! It's funny that they're both for mixed doubles. If you had told me a year ago that I was capable of even winning a game (let alone 2 A grade tournaments) of mixed doubles I would have seriously collapsed from laughter.

It's a bit sad that I'm supposedly a singles player, yet don't have any singles trophies above B grade. Well, I guess trophies aren't what's important.

Also, why do I always have to play Vietguy everytime I win my group in Open at Monash??? I would be much happier if they put him IN my group! Ah well.

Melb Uni tournament coming up this weekend...let's see how we go!


At 8:02 PM, Blogger Lil Mis A said...

what happened to my trophy??? jk, jk... i can't believe i got one from doing nothing. :)

yay! melb! good luck!


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