Thursday, October 26, 2006

Guess Who!

Found this pic on the net. Guess who the girl is on the left holding the big cheque!

I'll give you a clue...the other girl holding the cheque is Li Ling Wei.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I just noticed that recently, the title of "Oops" (in one form or another) has been used three times by in the last week or so by me (28/8), lma (6/9), and Mr. President (4/9) (yeah, they still call you Mr. President even after your term is over, apparently.)

Come on people! Let's have some originality! :P Well, I guess everybody's prone to doing silly things :D Then Kitkat's blog should be FULL of "Oops" type of entries.

Talking about originality...I really liked the way lma answered the "What do you put in a toaster?" joke. do you put a a toaster...

I guess at least if you wanna get it wrong...get it REALLY wrong and in no way anyone has ever got it wrong before...and get a really good laugh out of it in the process.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Won 2 trophies in the last 2 tournaments!! It's funny that they're both for mixed doubles. If you had told me a year ago that I was capable of even winning a game (let alone 2 A grade tournaments) of mixed doubles I would have seriously collapsed from laughter.

It's a bit sad that I'm supposedly a singles player, yet don't have any singles trophies above B grade. Well, I guess trophies aren't what's important.

Also, why do I always have to play Vietguy everytime I win my group in Open at Monash??? I would be much happier if they put him IN my group! Ah well.

Melb Uni tournament coming up this weekend...let's see how we go!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Monash Open!

Playing in the Monash Open this weekend!

Looking forward to it!

That is all.


Monday, August 28, 2006


Oops! I accidentally deleted my blog! Now I've lost everything that I've written in the past few months. Pretty stupid of me, huh? Now they don't even have the template that I liked. Damnit!