Friday, September 08, 2006


I just noticed that recently, the title of "Oops" (in one form or another) has been used three times by in the last week or so by me (28/8), lma (6/9), and Mr. President (4/9) (yeah, they still call you Mr. President even after your term is over, apparently.)

Come on people! Let's have some originality! :P Well, I guess everybody's prone to doing silly things :D Then Kitkat's blog should be FULL of "Oops" type of entries.

Talking about originality...I really liked the way lma answered the "What do you put in a toaster?" joke. do you put a a toaster...

I guess at least if you wanna get it wrong...get it REALLY wrong and in no way anyone has ever got it wrong before...and get a really good laugh out of it in the process.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger zello said...

uh huh....dead right with kitty....

Macquarie Thesaurus should just have an entry:
Kitty = Oops.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Lil Mis A said...

what was your blog intented in the first place with oops? oi, you end up bagging me! i am just slow you know... at least i realised that i said toaster in a toaster...

at least i didn't broke or hurt anything... it is in all good nature... oh well.

kitty is not that clumsy. her blog is not her accident recording list la!


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